Xochitl Kuaujketzalli

Psicoterapeuta Gestalt- Tanatologa, Danzante, ciudadana del universo al servicio de la vida.

Mis pasiones danzar, acompañar y servir.
Mi formación profesional es en psicología. A lo largo de mi camino he adquirido diversas herramientas que han facilitado mi proceso personal y el acompañamiento a otros. Por más de diez años he asistido grupos en formación tanatologica.
Ello ha sido puerta a otros caminos que se han ido tejiendo, así la tanatología, la Gestalt, arteterapia y la danza terapéutica se entrelazan en mí, para acompañarte.

Sin duda mis mejores maestros han sido quienes me permiten acompañarlos en un momento vulnerable de su vida.


Gestalt Psychotherapist, Thanatologist, Dancer, Citizen of the Universe in Service of Life.

My passions are dancing, accompanying, and serving.
My professional background is in psychology. Throughout my journey, I have acquired various tools that have facilitated my personal growth and the support I provide to others. For over ten years, I have been assisting groups in thanatology training. This has opened doors to other paths that have intertwined within me, such as thanatology, Gestalt therapy, art therapy, and dance therapy, all coming together to accompany you.

Undoubtedly, my greatest teachers have been those who allow me to accompany them during vulnerable moments in their lives.